Sunday, March 25, 2007


1. What a week it has been for me but most of all I was able to help out a very good friend of mine. She lives out of town, and needed to escape for a few days. She flew in Wednesday morning and just left this morning. She was a big help to me as well.

2.) Finally got some pain meds and muscle relaxers for my back and they help somewhat. Do not take them during the day unless not driving. But really need some relief.

3.) I am grateful that Lori was able to come to the doctor with my Wednesday and was not alone. The doctor was very nice and very thorough. and even a bit cautious. This week I go to the cardiologist and have an endoscopy on Thursday. And an appointment in April with the endocrinologist.

4.) I am very PROUD to say in 2 weeks I am down a total of 15 1/2 lbs. I have changed everything in how and what I eat. And when I feel better with my back can add exercise to the picture.

5.) I am just proud of Aviva...she has been is independent this week and a big help to mommy who is still barely sleeping.

Thank you Christine!


Wilma said...

I'm glad to hear everything is going well and that you had a nice visit with your friend. It's great that Aviva is so helpful.

Michelle said...

How wonderful you were able to help out a friend like that! I'm glad the meds are helping at least somewhat for you.

Big congrats on the weight loss! You're doing fanatastic!