Wednesday, August 08, 2007


it is very hard to be a mother, cook, student, play date and get a paper done....especially when Spider is working all the time...meaning lots of OT.

Today was very paper on Computer-Based Instruction is due Friday and needed to get most of it done today.

Well, it was just Aviva and I here...did our errands in the morning. I said to Aviva if I get you McDonald's will you let mommy do her paper...of course she is not silly and said YES MOMMY!!! Not sure if I should have believed her.

So we get home within 30 minutes...I hear I am bored, play with me, read with anything with me. I reminded her what she promised she basically forgot about it.

It was hard to get work done..,.,I have 3 pages of it done but still have the hardest part to do and Spider was not sure if he is doing OT tomorrow. I said I really need your help and she misses you.

Hoping that worked for him to come home and sleep and then take Aviva out. I just need a few hours of not being interrupted.

Does anyone want a cute kid to play with for a few hours!!!!


All 4 My Gals said...

Aw an hour of peace to be productive...priceless! Here's hoping you get your work done. HUGS

Shannon @ Gabi's World said...

Me! Me! Oh Me! Pick me!

Michelle said...

I wish we lived close enough for Aviva to come play! Hope you can find a few hours to get your paper done!