finally I got them to agree to something to help me. I will be having an epidural (more steroids) on Thursday. That is as long as I have the OK from the endocrinologist. Because steroids make blood sugars go very high...mine went extremely high the last time!
So fingers crossed all goes well and I can have it Thursday.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Back to the pain specialist today...cannot live like this...
it is not fair that my life is basically on hold or cannot do much because of how the pain is when walking and standing. They want to wait till the nerve testing results are in....but so far just on my hands have been done and results are not in yet. Well not good enough for me. He is worried because sugar got to 412, but before I had the injection they never told me or consulted with my endocrinologist to come up with a plan.
I am so frustrated.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
TODAY I go for.....
another endoscopy to find out if the inflammation in my esophagus is. And how the Nexium helped.
Then calling the pain doc tomorrow because I cannot live with this pain much longer. I had the nerve testing done on my hands but not on legs yet (insurance reasons). I cannot wait for results for both, they have to do something for the pain. Living like this is really killing me. I dread going out because of the pain. It is so rough. Just thinking about it makes me cry.
Then calling the pain doc tomorrow because I cannot live with this pain much longer. I had the nerve testing done on my hands but not on legs yet (insurance reasons). I cannot wait for results for both, they have to do something for the pain. Living like this is really killing me. I dread going out because of the pain. It is so rough. Just thinking about it makes me cry.
Sunday, May 27, 2007

Well it hs been an a pretty good week in our houehold. So here is a look back at what I am grateful for. Thanks Christine.
Well, I actually got an evening out for dinner at Macaroni Grill courtesy of Aviva's teacher. Some of the kindergarten teachers took their room moms out for dinner to thank them for a wonderful year. When I believe we should be thanking Aviva's teacher for a terrific year Aviva had. What a change in Aviva from August till now. She has done amazingly well this year.
Yesterday according to Aviva we had mommy-daughter time. We went to the park and stayed till after 7 pm. She had a picnic with her favorite McDonald's and we brought her bike. She rode and played and played and rode. He definitely wore herself out. It was a beautiful evening too!
Today after daddy wakes up (he did the overnight) it will be daddy-daughter time. I believe they are going to an arcade (like Kaooms or Chuck E Cheese). They wll give me a few hours alone which is always nice. And they love those games and the noise much more then me.
Hard to beleve the last day of school is Thursday....this year went by so fast. I will have a first grader it is so hard to believe. She started life at 3 lbs and look at her now! She improved 100% in her handwriting, reading at a 2nd grade level and is doing addition and subtraction in math. Forget she is writing simple essays too!! Who wuld have thought they do all that in kindergarten!
I am still here with constant back pain so will be calling again the pain clinic. I had nerve testing on my hands done Thursday (need legs too but insurance won't pay for both at the same time). Let me tell you not pleasant at all. But something has to be done.,...cannot go on another week or more like this. Spider has been, cleaning and just taking care of everything I used to do. Oh nd working lots of overtime!! I truly love him for all he has done. Tuesday have another endoscopy and he will take me again on very little sleep!! What a lucky girl I am to have him!!
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
PROCRASTINATION pays off......
well sometimes.
I got a 23/25 on my paper and I am thrilled with that. She really liked it, but had a few minor things with the APA format.
I am happy!!!
I got a 23/25 on my paper and I am thrilled with that. She really liked it, but had a few minor things with the APA format.
I am happy!!!
Sunday, May 20, 2007

1. What a great time the 3 of us had at Family Fun Day at Aviva's school. She was so happy that we both were able to attend. She served us breakfast. We watched a great DVD of pictures from throughout the year. We all had tears in our eyes. Our children have come so far this year. It truly helps that we had an amazing teacher.
2. I am thankful for Spider for taking over many of the house the cooking and cleaning. And he has done it with out complaining. So yesterday I sent him grocery shopping with a blank check...mind you when I shop I spend $70 a week well he spent...are you siting down? $156 for the three of us. Frm now if he shops he gets cash and cannot go over that amount!! But do appreciate him doing the shopping.
3. I am so happy that I got my paper done on Somebody Else's Kids. You have to read this book if you have not. It is the year in he life of a special educaion teacher with 4 totally different students.
4. I am very thankful that Aviva has been so good to me and helpful all at the same time. I am in such agony with my back and she is so understanding. She will help around the house and rubs my back to make me feel better.
5. And happy to say we are going to see Shrek the 3rd today as a family. We are all looking forward to some good laughs!!!
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Just finished a paper on the book Somebody Else's Kids by Torey Hayden. It is due one hour from now (11:55 pm). The book is really good. I did a 6 page paper and a PowerPoint presentation, started at 5 pm and finished at 9:45 pm.
NO more procrastination...will begin the next project Monday and will finish way before it is due!
Torey Hayden is a great author.....I highly recommend her!
NO more procrastination...will begin the next project Monday and will finish way before it is due!
Torey Hayden is a great author.....I highly recommend her!
Friday, May 18, 2007
FAMILY Fun Day at Aviva's School
What a great day Family Fun Day was...Aviva took us to breakfast in the classroom. We watched a Photo CD of the photos some of the moms and I took. It was put to music and each child got one with their picture on it. What a great momento to have o remember the amazing year we had with Mrs. Gonshak. After that the children sang to us. Finally, they were so excited to go all over the kindergarten wing and outside to have fun at the fun centers. It was a lot of fun!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
An UPDATE but still no relief.....
So off I went this morning to the pain doctor...took 45 minutes instead of 20 due to rain and bad drivers. Then I get there and no parking so I parked in what seems another country. It was not but my back cannot take the walking.
So I saw the doctor (not mine) and explained what was going on. I am have some tingly feeling and numbness in my feet and hands. So he took more info and then another doc came in the head guy. He said before considering an epidural he wants me to talk to the endocrinologist about peripheral neuropothy. He wants them to do some nerve testings before deciding how to proceed. He does not want to do the epidural and then not work. I said I just want to walk with out pain.
Being diabetic he has to take extra precaution. When they gave me the injection on Thursday never told me my sugars would go very high like 412. And she should have told me to talk to the endo first. So have to be careful if getting steroids again.
So at my appointment this afternoon with the endo....he decided that he can do the nerve testing at his office since they are coming May 24th. And if needed will send me to a neurologist. Makes it easier then having to wait to see a neurologist and scheduling with them.
Meanwhile changed my metformin to 1000 mg twice a day and added the insulin Lantus took away Novolin N and changed Novolog to three times a day!!
So I am still in pain and not sure how much longer I can take it. But from now on Spider will be doing the shopping and errands.
So I saw the doctor (not mine) and explained what was going on. I am have some tingly feeling and numbness in my feet and hands. So he took more info and then another doc came in the head guy. He said before considering an epidural he wants me to talk to the endocrinologist about peripheral neuropothy. He wants them to do some nerve testings before deciding how to proceed. He does not want to do the epidural and then not work. I said I just want to walk with out pain.
Being diabetic he has to take extra precaution. When they gave me the injection on Thursday never told me my sugars would go very high like 412. And she should have told me to talk to the endo first. So have to be careful if getting steroids again.
So at my appointment this afternoon with the endo....he decided that he can do the nerve testing at his office since they are coming May 24th. And if needed will send me to a neurologist. Makes it easier then having to wait to see a neurologist and scheduling with them.
Meanwhile changed my metformin to 1000 mg twice a day and added the insulin Lantus took away Novolin N and changed Novolog to three times a day!!
So I am still in pain and not sure how much longer I can take it. But from now on Spider will be doing the shopping and errands.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
PAIN PAIN will not go away...
The injection in the SI Joint did nothing to help the pain. I am in agony and even worse then before. Walking in my house now hurts. Had to go to Walmart to get my insulin and did not think I was going to make it back to the car. The sweat was building up on my head and the pain in my back was miserable and I got to the car and cried. I cannot do this anymore.
I cannot have fun with Aviva and take her places. I need this to be resolved. I just want to walk and stand with out pain.
I go tomorrow for a follow up at 9 am. Prayers please.
I cannot have fun with Aviva and take her places. I need this to be resolved. I just want to walk and stand with out pain.
I go tomorrow for a follow up at 9 am. Prayers please.
Sunday, May 13, 2007

I am so thankful for my small family. They made my day very special. From the lovely cards they gave me and Aviva writing (all by herself) such beautiful messages. Aviva read each one to me. And then they gave me a power vacuum for the car (I believe this was more for Spider then me), She also made some awesome things at school for me. I love the handmade items so much. She was so proud of what she did.
We actaully spent the whole weekend together. Which meant alot to me. It is always nice to have us home together and having a nice time. And best of all, they made me breakfast today.
Spider let me rest and cleaned the whole house!! He also did laundry and folded the clothes. I am still in a lot of pain with my back. And Spider took good care of me. While he took care of the house and helped with Aviva.
It is hard to believe the school year is almost over...only 12 1/2 more days....and my baby will soon be a first is very hard to believe. What a year it has been,
Thank you agan Christine for the Grains of Gratitude.
Friday, May 11, 2007
Lots going here is an update....
First off, had the injections in my back yesterday....was hoping to feel some relief right off....but not yet...was in a lot of pain today. Had to go to Walmart for my insulin and the walking still really hurts. And took Aviva to the pool at our complex today with that walk was a doozy for me....I just want some relief I pray for the pain to go away.
The was told last week my insurance would cover the Lap-Band surgery and then this week they said NO....and it is a contract exclusion so cannot even fight it. It is very sad. But maybe I have a long lost relative or someone, a friend maybe who has an extra $15,000 laying around....I will pay it back :). I can have $5000 by end of going to talk to the doctor found a great surgeon. Went to a seminar on Tuesday, and filled out the paper work on the computer and waiting to hear back. So hoping to get financing if no relative comes forward. Oh and will play the lottery too, never know....think positive for me.
I also received an amazing book in the mail today called GIFTS...written by parents of child with Down Sydrome. I have some friends who contributed stories to the book. I cannot wait to read it....I think this is a must read for everyone and especially those in the field of exceptional student educaton.
Aviva was the only one in her class to earn enough points in Accelerated Reader to get an invite to the JUNGLE party. Had to have 12 points and Aviva had 12.2 points..I believe she read like 25 books. I am very proud of her. The party is Monday....and hard to believe only12 1/2 more days of kindergarten!
The was told last week my insurance would cover the Lap-Band surgery and then this week they said NO....and it is a contract exclusion so cannot even fight it. It is very sad. But maybe I have a long lost relative or someone, a friend maybe who has an extra $15,000 laying around....I will pay it back :). I can have $5000 by end of going to talk to the doctor found a great surgeon. Went to a seminar on Tuesday, and filled out the paper work on the computer and waiting to hear back. So hoping to get financing if no relative comes forward. Oh and will play the lottery too, never know....think positive for me.
I also received an amazing book in the mail today called GIFTS...written by parents of child with Down Sydrome. I have some friends who contributed stories to the book. I cannot wait to read it....I think this is a must read for everyone and especially those in the field of exceptional student educaton.
Aviva was the only one in her class to earn enough points in Accelerated Reader to get an invite to the JUNGLE party. Had to have 12 points and Aviva had 12.2 points..I believe she read like 25 books. I am very proud of her. The party is Monday....and hard to believe only12 1/2 more days of kindergarten!
Monday, May 07, 2007
Sunday, May 06, 2007

Thank you Christine.......
1. I am thankful to finally get answers for my back is unbearable lately. I just want to walk with out pain....hoping Friday's injections will do the trick.
2. Last night my neighbor's took Aviva at 4 pm so Spider and I can have an evening alone. We watched the Kentucky Derby. And then we went out for Japanese food to a place called Kamado's. It was very good. Spider lived in Japan for 6 months and just love sushi.
3. I am very proud of Aviva for doing so well on her Accelerated Reader program. She earned the 24 points it takes to spell out JUNGLE and now will get to have a party with the other students in the school. Each book was .5 points, and she read over 25 books.
4. Spider was home this weekend and cleaned the house since the bending and moving hurts to much. He does a much better job then I do anyway. And much faster then me too.
5. I am grateful to my friends who have helped me with Aviva this week, by bringing her home from school when I could not. And to mygood friend who is attending seminar with me on Tuesday.
Saturday, May 05, 2007
My Back Pain....
Well, yesterday I went to the Pain Management Clinic to find out what they can do for my back. It is really bad that everytime you walk it throbs.
So I saw the nurse practitioner first. She was great and spent a good amount of time with me. Asking lots of questions and explaining things to me. Then the doctor came in and examined me and asked questions and explained things to me and what they will do to help me with the pain.
SO I am taking Celebrex once a day and going back Friday for injections in my back for the disc and SI joint. She believes it will help. I truly hope it does, because living with this pain is really hell. Now, just nervous the procedure will hurt.
So I saw the nurse practitioner first. She was great and spent a good amount of time with me. Asking lots of questions and explaining things to me. Then the doctor came in and examined me and asked questions and explained things to me and what they will do to help me with the pain.
SO I am taking Celebrex once a day and going back Friday for injections in my back for the disc and SI joint. She believes it will help. I truly hope it does, because living with this pain is really hell. Now, just nervous the procedure will hurt.
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Blogging Against Disablism Day in 2007.....

I am going back to the early 1990's when I was teaching. I was a speech therapist for students with autism. We were housed on the 5th floor of a public school but we were not in the same District.
I had little boys who were 4.8 years old and so small climbing 5 the beginning took 40 minutes but they were protesting which who could blame them. But with positive reinforcement and tangible rewards they would get up in 10 minutes if that.
But the main problem at that school was no one explained to the typical children about Autism. Back then it was not known as it is now, most people did not know what autism was.
So my students would be walking up or down the stairs and the typical students would be on the stairs as well. But because of them not knowing anything about autism, they acted like our students had some type of contagious disease.
Part I blame on the teachers and part on the parents. So the other speech therapist and I took it upon ourselves to educate the students as well as their teachers about autism and what it means to be autistic.
After we took the time to explain about our students, the typical students wanted to come help out and volunteer in the class. Each class (we had 6) had gym with an age appropriate class.
Both classes learned from each other so turned out to be a win win situation with just a bit of education to explain differences .
I had little boys who were 4.8 years old and so small climbing 5 the beginning took 40 minutes but they were protesting which who could blame them. But with positive reinforcement and tangible rewards they would get up in 10 minutes if that.
But the main problem at that school was no one explained to the typical children about Autism. Back then it was not known as it is now, most people did not know what autism was.
So my students would be walking up or down the stairs and the typical students would be on the stairs as well. But because of them not knowing anything about autism, they acted like our students had some type of contagious disease.
Part I blame on the teachers and part on the parents. So the other speech therapist and I took it upon ourselves to educate the students as well as their teachers about autism and what it means to be autistic.
After we took the time to explain about our students, the typical students wanted to come help out and volunteer in the class. Each class (we had 6) had gym with an age appropriate class.
Both classes learned from each other so turned out to be a win win situation with just a bit of education to explain differences .
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