Friday, May 11, 2007

Lots going here is an update....

First off, had the injections in my back yesterday....was hoping to feel some relief right off....but not yet...was in a lot of pain today. Had to go to Walmart for my insulin and the walking still really hurts. And took Aviva to the pool at our complex today with that walk was a doozy for me....I just want some relief I pray for the pain to go away.

The was told last week my insurance would cover the Lap-Band surgery and then this week they said NO....and it is a contract exclusion so cannot even fight it. It is very sad. But maybe I have a long lost relative or someone, a friend maybe who has an extra $15,000 laying around....I will pay it back :). I can have $5000 by end of going to talk to the doctor found a great surgeon. Went to a seminar on Tuesday, and filled out the paper work on the computer and waiting to hear back. So hoping to get financing if no relative comes forward. Oh and will play the lottery too, never know....think positive for me.

I also received an amazing book in the mail today called GIFTS...written by parents of child with Down Sydrome. I have some friends who contributed stories to the book. I cannot wait to read it....I think this is a must read for everyone and especially those in the field of exceptional student educaton.

Aviva was the only one in her class to earn enough points in Accelerated Reader to get an invite to the JUNGLE party. Had to have 12 points and Aviva had 12.2 points..I believe she read like 25 books. I am very proud of her. The party is Monday....and hard to believe only12 1/2 more days of kindergarten!


Anonymous said...

Way to go Aviva!! Great job with the reading - very impressive, and you deserve to go to the party! Awesome!! Dori, you know how sorry I am about everything else. I had hoped you would find relief from the pain with the injections. Do they have a back up plan, or will this take multiple attempts?

Wilma said...

Congratulations, Aviva!! Way to go!!! I'm sorry the injections didn't help with your back pain, Dori. Will they do more and hopefully the build-up of medicine will help or are they looking for a Plan B?

Snarky Mom Reads said...

Sorry that you got caught by the insurance trap on the lapband. They don't make it easy, do they? Anyway -- if you have the $5k... why not check out the MX docs?? As long as they can find someone locally to do your fills, it's a much more cost effective option... they've been doing it much longer & some of them are the ones training the US docs!! E-mail me if you want more info...

Michelle said...

I'm sorry you didn't get some pain relief right away; and how frustrating about the insurance!!

WTG Aviva - she is doing so well on her reading!

My mom just received her copy of Gifts on Thur and is enjoying all the stories. When you get a chance could you go to the Gifts website and leave feedback? They were looking for reviews of people who have read the book.