Wednesday, March 19, 2008

TOMORROW is the day....

FINALLY...I have waited so long...I have to be at the hospital at 8:00 am. Which is very good..then I can take Aviva to school.

I will have surgery between 10 am and 11 am.

WOW is all I can say...finally it is my turn. I cannot believe I will be on the losers bench tomorrow afternoon.

It has been a stressful good friend who said she will watch my DD backed out at the last minute (guess you cannot always count on your friends when you really need them).....I have no family here. But thankfully my neighbor will watch her.

If you want any updates email me and will give you my cell...otherwise will update when I get home which I hope will be Saturday.

Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers.


Christina said...

Oh no, I am sorry she backed out on you. I am praying for your surgery and that recovery goes smoothly!

Michelle said...

Sorry I haven't been able to comment much lately, but I've been thinking about you!

You're definitely in my prayers that all goes smoothly tomorrow and your recovery goes well too.

Sorry to hear your friend backed out of watching Aviva, thank goodness for your neighbor!

Shannon @ Gabi's World said...

I prayed for you this morning right about the time you were expected to be at the hospital. I hope to hear soon that you are doing well.

Sorry about your friend backing out. So glad the neighbor was willing to fill in.

Michelle said...

I heard you were out of surgery and in recovery! continued prayers for your recovery!