1.) I have very thorough doctors who are doing everything to take care of me. They have done an endoscopy (I now have reflux), an echo cardiogram (got a heart). Have an u/s of the liver April 4th and go to the orthopedics for my back.

2.) Finally it is the week I get to surprise Aviva with Disney on Ice (Friday)...we will go to Applebee"s her favorite restaurant for dinner then to the show.
3. Auntie Marie is coming to visit this coming Friday but will stay with their great aunt and then off to Melody's and she will come back to us for a few days before she goes home.
4. I am very proud of the weight loss even with the diuretic pill (only on for 5 days) I am proud to say as of today down 27lbs. Look we changed our way we eat and taking the pill helps. I am just happy.
5.) My friend Alyssa, her DH, 2 boys and new baby girl are coming from Minnesota. I met her in Mexico when we lived there and she was studying abroad. Have not seen her in a long while and cannot wait and hold that new baby.
6.) Thank you to everyone who has sent me prayers for my health, it meants a lot to me.